Cynthia's Big LIHOP Day Out
Rep. Cynthia McÂKinney led a Capitol Hill hearing Friday on whether the Bush administration was involved in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
The eight-hour hearing, was an elaborate farce designed to support the LIHOP interpretation of the 9/11 attacks. That's the idea that Bush ignored warnings for political gain.
This is the safe line. The official conspiracy theory.
And these are the official conspiracy theorists.
At the hearing -just to help Cynthia out- were other luminaries such as:
- Melvin Goodman, a former CIA official
- Robert Baer, author, former CIA official
- Melvin Goodman, Fellow, Center for International Policy, former CIA official
- John Newman, Ph.D., professor University of West Virginia, former NSA analyst
- Nafeez Ahmed, author of The War on Truth,
- Paul Thompson, author of The Terror Timeline
- Peter Dale Scott, Ph.D., author of Drugs, Oil and War
Resurrection -of Cynthia McKinney
The establishment is terrific at anticipating opposition ...and then becoming that opposition themselves before the real thing gets going. They have been doing this for 40 years -so it's a standard MO by now.
Cynthia McKinney was their official 9/11 political scapegoat. Just like Dan Rather was in his own case. And UK Mirror, editor Piers Morgan, by the way.
Take the case of Rather and Morgan first. Two media biggies. One challenged Bush on the AWOL issue, the other challenged Blair on the prisoner abuse issue. Both fell....
Ah... but not really. In fact, they took a dive!
These two are establishment insiders whose job it was to be official scapegoats. Their downfall was designed to intimidate others in the media. Both were and are being well looked after. Loyalty to the 'Party' gets you to the top --and commands you to take a dive when required for strategic purposes.
Now to the case of the apparently brave McKinney. I'd like you to recall what happens to a truly brave politician: Paul Wellstone. That's what happens.
What happened to McKinney? Big jewish money came in and defeated her. And then...?
Political history for a brave politician? Nope. Somehow the power-hungry, murderous people who drove her out of politics --dropped the ball and let her back in again! Are you getting it?
Just as in the case of Rather and Morgan re media, McKinney's downfall was designed to intimidate others in politics. They need to keep 'em in line sometimes.
Now she's back guarding the left flank of the 'Party' again.
Nice work if you can get it.
David Ray Griffin spoke. He always brings up the WTC and controlled demo. That makes it MIHOP. I agree that a lot of the LIHOP proponents are disinfo agents.
Oh yeah, there will always be a gesture towards MIHOP. But just watch what this comes down to in the end. LIHOP.
the ajc article is hilarious. im glad we get to learn about the dietary and trashcan needs of everyone present.
ftr - its the only article i could find on the hearings.
Fintan why do you always have to be so damn negative towards others?
How many hearings in Capitol Hill have you been able to arrange recently inwhich the subject was that of US Gov complicity in the 911 terrorist attacks? Answer. None.
If you did your research a little better you would be well aware that Cynthia McKinney is not a LIHOP by any stretch of the imagination it is simply well known that if you hope to get an audience of powerful people on the subject of 911 then starting from somewhere around the LIHOP area will be your best way, as your audience slowly gets over the shock and denial of what you are suggesting they will grow more open to the evidence of direct US Gov complicity.
I find it really ironic that one of the most powerful 911 truth seekers out there- by way of her political position- who has tasked Rummy and crew on the 911 drills before and written the foreword to one of the best 911 cover up books- Crossing the Rubicon- should meet with such a bad critic from yourself. Its a shame really...
Anonymous said...
Fintan why do you always have to be so damn negative towards others?
How many hearings in Capitol Hill have you been able to arrange recently inwhich the subject was that of US Gov complicity in the 911 terrorist attacks? Answer. None.
I suppose I could just roll on in a hazy cloud of credulous optimism. But I rather face the truth that the establishment has all this well covered. This was a show event. Purely a show event. Political theatre by political actors.
Just like those other famous hearings by John Conyers -re the stolen election. Where did that get us? Nowhere.
These types of "hearings" are a way to mop up , channel, and difuse the opposition. No issue makes it to the US houses of congress without "reliable" hands at the tiller -which ensure there is no real threat to the system.
Cynthia McKinney voted for the Iraq war and voted for the murder of Terry Schiavo. Gold star for her, eh?
"""I find it really ironic that one of the most powerful 911 truth seekers out there- by way of her political position- who has tasked Rummy and crew on the 911 drills before and written the foreword to one of the best 911 cover up books- Crossing the Rubicon- should meet with such a bad critic from yourself. Its a shame really...
LOL, Peak Oil is a scam and anyone pushing that scam is an impostor to Truth. It's very clear that LIHOP is finally being rolled out for the masses. That's OK, because LIHOP is a logical impossibility. In order for LIHOP to succeed, muslim terrorists had to be deliberately let into the country and a stand-down had to be deliberately engineered == TREASON.
And how about those controlled demolitions at the WTC? Does Michael Ruppert discuss that? No he doesn't, preferring instead to base his entire claim on unsubstantiated documents. For Michael Ruppert, the laws of physics don't matter in murder investigations so he fits right in with the Magic Bullet crowd...
'And how about those controlled demolitions at the WTC? Does Michael Ruppert discuss that? No he doesn't, preferring instead to base his entire claim on unsubstantiated documents. For Michael Ruppert, the laws of physics don't matter in murder investigations so he fits right in with the Magic Bullet crowd...'
Actually if you read his book- which clearly you have not, he does not dispel the possibility of controlled demolitions just simply states that as of writing the book he didn't feel comfortable endorsing such a theory due to lack of evidence. In NO WAY whatsoever does his book endorse the LIHOP theory, in fact his book is perhaps the best written book on 911 complicity to date and i've read them all.
It is shame people choose to be so damn cynical toward Cynthia McKinney...
'LOL, Peak Oil is a scam and anyone pushing that scam is an impostor to Truth'
well, what can I say? anyone who mazkes such a broad generalization of a person is clearly both young, dumb and in need of some perspective.
I may be pro abortion, does that make me anti-life and an imposer to freedom for all?
silly boy.
>>'LOL, Peak Oil is a scam and anyone pushing that scam is an impostor to Truth'
How well have you researched Peak Oil?
If it's a scam, can you explain why? In detail?
IMO Peak Oil is very real, and we have been scammed into hitting the wall at full pace.
Fintan, you're taking flack because you're behaving just like the bad guys you claim to oppose; you present opinions as truth ("this is how it went down"), you trash people who dont agree with you ("did Jones hype this story in error or by design"), you refuse to answer questions, you admit you dont have any evidence, and you dont post retractions when even your own supporters prove you wrong. You're damaging the cause you claim to support. The best advice you've been given recently is to stick to asking questions.
The reason I am cynical about McKinney is that if she was a real threat to the Bush regime - in other words, if she had anything on him - she would have had an 'accident' by now. Same with Ruppert - do you think that if he really knew anything damning about Cheney, he wouldn't have been Wellstoned by now?
If Mckinney has been turned--this dance is OVER.
I was afraid she was ALREADY dead--the way she was going--it was a DISTINCT possibility.
Ruppert has sold out--that's why he's still breathing.
Good work, Fintan...
Don't be dissuaded--distance is your friend.
Well Fintan,
My brain doesn't want to believe your critique, and I'm afraid I'll never be able to believe that "peak oil" is a scam, (not sure if you do, merely responding to another poster's comment) only time will tell with that. I do, however, find it VERY STRANGE that Ms. Mckinney was allowed back in, in fact I find that totally unbelievable. Did they forget how to rig the voting machines? I hate to believe that she has been turned out by the devil pimps, she really does seem like a crusader, but it does seem just like "them". I suppose the thing I despise the most about the black ops monkeys is that we'll never know the real "truth" about anything, it's as if the baseline has been erased and we're in freefall. Even more disheartening is the knowledge that it's all a perverse, planned game. I suppose karma is the only thing one can count on, but even that seems to be broken when it comes to these sick bastards.
Fintan, "cut and paste" just doesnt cut it anymore. Show us some evidence you've personally turned up; Rathers, Morgan, McKinney, the 3 stops on the motorway, the "callous blast" - anything.
the word this has narrative has to be built upon is..
there you have. regardless of the micro-details, or if bush lihop or mihop.
el mago
>>>How well have you researched Peak Oil?
>>>If it's a scam, can you explain why?
>>>In detail?
Very simply, yes... just search the net for info on the modern Russian / Ukranian abiotic or deep earth oil genesis research. 40+ years of peer reviewed (mostly in Russian, unfortunately, and barely seen the light of day in the West) and fully accredited and ACCEPTED by geologists, oil people, etc.
"Peak Oil" only means that the WEST'S access to the easy oil might be running out, because American companies since the 50's-70's focused on short term profit gains, and did not develop long term technology advances needed to drill very DEEP and GET TO the REAL sources of oil (which is being constantly created by heat and pressure DEEP in the earth, and then seeping UP to fill the oil wells reservoirs that have been tapped in the past at "shallow" levels).
The Russians, however, HAVE developed better deep-drilling tech. Joe Vialls (RIP, Joe) had a very good article on that, about how Russian technology is helping VietNam begin an oil industry after Western companies had come and gone, telling them they did not have any oil. (Search Vialls site for the article, sorry I don't have a link handy...)
IF there is ANYTHING to the concerns of so-called "Peak Oil" theory at all, it's only that the Russians and their business partners will be able to get it faster and cheaper than Western (American, etc) oil companies. Not a small problem, of course, but NOT the END OF THE WORLD, either!!!
But the Peakies need you to think that it's ALL running out, in fact, only to scare you into accepting higher prices and "shortages" that they will engineer. Also to accept their fake wars to "grab" what is "left over" on your behalf: so nice of them, eh?
Also, consider this point re: the idea that oil came from decayed plants and dinosaurs -- astronomers and cosmologists have known for years that there are hydrocarbons on other planets, i.e. gas and oil, methane etc etc etc. So does that mean that some prehistoric MARTIAN dinosaurs made all of the oil on Mars? LOL
Yes, "Peak Oil" is very scary in the way it's presented, as end-of-civilization etc... but before you really get frightened, try to calmly and carefully RESEARCH the OTHER SIDE opinion (i.e. vis-a-vis Russian science and technology, and NOT only WESTERN sources). If you do that, it just evaporates into nothing.
So don't worry. It IS a lie and a scam overall. Don't panic too much from the Peakies shrill lies...
aha... here is the Vialls link:
...and also look at these...
"The reason I am cynical about McKinney is that if she was a real threat to the Bush regime - in other words, if she had anything on him - she would have had an 'accident' by now. Same with Ruppert - do you think that if he really knew anything damning about Cheney, he wouldn't have been Wellstoned by now? "
Just a couple of days ago Conspiracy Theory ( was on TV. A quote:
Alice Sutton: "The Oliver Stone-George Bush connection? Oliver Stone?"
Jerry Fletcher: "Oh yeah, he's their spokesman. Yeah, you think if anyone had the information he's got and had a national podium to shout it from, you think they'd actually let him do it? No, it's quite clear that he's the disinformation junkie for him. The fact that he's still alive says it all. He should be dead but he's not."
Basically what you're suggesting is that everyone, be it Cynthia McKinney or Mike Ruppert, Greg Palast or Paul Thompson, Alex Jones or David Icke, is in on this thing. Actually you're also suggesting I should be worried that you, anonymous @ 2:44 AM, still haven't been Wellstoned. Or have you?
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