Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Silent Coup: the big business takeover of Canada

Our political leaders are engaged in nothing less than the systematic dismantling and restructuring of the socioeconomic system that was built up in Canada over the past 60 years.

The goal is to restore Canada to an unimpeded free market economy. When it comes to Canada's future, the free market is to reign supreme, unfettered by government intervention and regulation. To paraphrase Maude Barlow of the Council of Canadians, the Canadian experiment of a "social nation state" is being dismantled in favour of a "corporate nation state."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The author equates big-government corporatism with unfettered free market relations. This is not true. The ideology of unfettered free market relations is inseparable from the ideology of *minimal* government.

It is counterintuitive, but the overwhelming majority of people would be better served by minimal government. The sad fact is that politicians and business leaders are natural allies in looting the general public. As government expands, politicians and business leaders only become more and more brazen in this regard. Looting takes the form of clever tax evasion schemes, corruption and corporate welfare. Corporate welfare takes many forms that most people don’t even recognize as such—public works projects and war, for example.

The upshot is that the general public loses much more as a result of these things than it gains from social programs.

The author approves of a large state apparatus so long as virtuous people are at the controls. How do you ensure this when the possibilities for looting are so great? And how do you ensure that vicious people won't take control at a later date?

The answer is you can't. The solution is to get this simple message out to the general public and clamor for smaller government at every opportunity.

Libertarians provide the most insightful analysis of today’s events in a historical context. I don’t know much about the Canadian libertarian movement, but I suppose would be a decent place to start. As for the United States, in my opinion and are the two best sites.

5:07 pm  

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