Friday, March 04, 2005

Republicanism Shown To Be Genetic in Origin

"The discovery that affiliation with the Republican Party is genetically determined is causing uproar among traditionalists who believe it is a chosen lifestyle.

The study by scientists in the current issue of the journal NURTURE,
has sent shock waves through the medical, political, and golfing communities. But the finding has been greeted with relief by Parents and Friends of Republicans (PFREP), who sometimes blame themselves for the political views of otherwise lovable children, family, and unindicted co-conspirators."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always thought that Republicanism was based on sever e brain trauma! Seriously, having grown up in the south, I believe that wrong-wingers are the result of sexism and clinging to patriarchy...

7:31 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps so-called Republicanism was at one time based on an actual philosophy or set of principles(?).

Current Bush-led right-wing "republicanism" is much more about a personality of narcissism obsession, and ultimately, pathology.

There's at least a little bit of psycho in a large proportion of our right-wing republicans.

Rove&Co, and decades of virulent hate-talk radio have cultivated this psycho quality in millions of our fellow Americans.

There most likely is a personality component to modern republicanism.
But there's no doubt about it--That component is being
expertly, almost lovingly, nurtured by pundits, media and propaganda masters of the Right.

And the cure is not currently on the horizon.

We have now entered into what Hunter Thompson called, "The Big Darkness".

And all thanks to right wing republicanism.

6:57 am  

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