Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Anne Coulter Endorses Anne Coulter Googlebomb

Not a moment too soon, the folks at have offered their services as unpaid, unwelcome public relations consultants to right-wing hatemonger, Anne Coulter. They plan to stack Google's search results for the term "Anne Coulter" with a list of key critical articles.
legooglebomb: "Well, you can help make that happen. Just help out with this googlebomb by copying & pasting this code onto your blog or website or messageboard, etc... If you followed the progress of the Hannity bomb, you saw the results move. Let's do even better with this one. Tell your fellow blogger friends. Post it wherever you can. Make it your signature when you post to a messageboard." [code here]
Ironically, in a prior comment Anne Coulter herself seems to endorse exactly this type of action:
"I have to say I'm all for public flogging. One type of criminal that a public humiliation might work particularly well with are the juvenile delinquents"---MSNBC 3/22/97
Terrific! And if Anne Coulter isn't an extremely juvenile delinquent, who is?

Looks like a little electronic public humiliation might work particularly well in her own case.

Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If she had human private parts that were not cosmetically altered or bleached ... I would tell her to go FUCK HERSELF!

10:47 pm  

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