"We may be getting close to a tipping point in terms of supportby Fintan Dunne,
for the Iraq war." - Alan Bock AntiWar.com 26 Aug, 2005
"Has the 'Tipping Point' on Iraq Been Reached?"
- Jim Lobe AntiWar.com 19 Aug, 2005
"The Iraq war 'tipping point' ?"
- Tom Regan csmonitor.com 22 Aug, 2005
BreakForNews.com 27 Aug, 2005
Mainstream and alternative media are being extremely misleading with talk of a "tipping point" in U.S. support for Bush's policies in Iraq.
Tipping point?? Among those with strong opinions, almost two and a half times as many are against Bush policies, as for them!
As measured by an Ipsos/AP poll, strong support has crashed from a quarter of the U.S. population to one fifth, in the period June to August, 2005.
Iraq is an issue on which over 70% of people hold hardened views, compared to 26% with mild opinions. That makes the fall in strong support highly significant. Yet the Associated Press reports:
"Overall attitudes about the war — while negative — haven't changedTHE 50/50 LIE
dramatically through the summer." - Will Lester SFGate.com 26 Aug, 2005
"Tipping point" is when things are finely balanced. Like say, 50 -50. Like say, an anti-war mother versus a pro-war mother. Whom do you back? 50 -50. That's the cunning spin.
But back in June those strongly opposed already outnumbered backers of Bush policies by 45% to 26%. Now they eclipse them by 46% to 20%, almost two and a half to one.
In truth, the tipping point is long, long past.
We now have a meltdown of core Bush support.
The states where George Bush did well, have huge land areas but few people. Adjusting for actual population and stolen votes shows a Purple America where legions of fundamentalist Bush supporters are merely a myth.
Now, the latest poll shows core Bush backers on Iraq at only 20%. That's much more like the measure of the Bush bedrock support -a far cry from a majority. Tough luck cowboy.
Don't let the media away with the "tipping point" lie. They helped steal the election, now they're sealing the public's true opinions. Email this article to antiwar activists. The electronic 'Bush' telegraph is vital. After all, your friends won't be hearing this from the media. Not even the alternative media, it seems.
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