Thursday, June 30, 2005

Time Inc. to Hand Over Plame Documents

[Bloomberg] - Time Inc., seeking to keep its reporter out of jail and avoid fines, said it will hand over subpoenaed records to a prosecutor investigating the leak of a CIA operative's name after losing a U.S. Supreme Court appeal.

The magazine said its action "removes any justification" for jailing Time reporter Matthew Cooper, who has refused to identify sources for his stories on the leak.

Time Editor in Chief Norman Pearlstine said journalists are "not above the law," though New York Times Co. Chairman Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr. said he was "deeply disappointed" by Time's decision.

Cooper and Judith Miller, were looking into who leaked the name of Valerie Plame, a Central Intelligence Agency weapons expert, to newspaper columnist Robert Novak. The two reporters argued they were protected in refusing to reveal sources by the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment free-press guarantee.

It's a federal crime for U.S. officials who know the identity of covert agents to deliberately disclose their names. U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, special counsel in the investigation, declined comment through a spokesman.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:52 pm

    There is an old saying that if you wrestle with a pig your gonna get dirty. Ambassador Wilson showed a lot of courage standing up to Cheney in order to tell the truth to the American public about the phony intel. on Iraq. Just goes to show that no good deed goes unpunished. Now how long can the anti government get away with blowing the cover of its undercover CIA agents for payback. Wilson has said from the beginning that it was Rove that was the squealer. It has become obvious that Rove is the publicity hit man for the crime syndicate that passes for the American government. Roves days are numbered. While he is ruthless and cunning, he dosent seem to realize that he is at the center of a sore that will inevitable need to be lanced.


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