Sharon's Hospital Exit Photo Was Faked

Compare the official photo and our edit showing the Prime Minister at his actual height. Looks like the photoshop boys inserted a much too tall Sharon into the official picture.
In other words --it's a FAKE!
As if you couldn't figure that out anyway from that single lonely microphone held out. The original photo before fakery showed only an open door and the hospital sign. The background inside the door was darkened, then Sharon and the news mike were added.

Now check Mor-Yosef in another photo, beside someone of around Sharon's height.
Work out the photo angles for yourself.
No matter which way you compute it --Sharon is clearly way too tall in the official photo. Which throws doubt over not only that photo, but other photos showing Sharon supposedly working away after that first stroke on December 18th, 2005.
Now read our Full Story about what's really going on...
Read: Has Ariel Sharon Been Dead Since December, 2005?

[Ed. Note: There is another larger sign in use by the hospital for media photos. And here is the same hospital Director, Mor-Yosef standing in front of it. It's a taller sign, and wider.
Don't let that confuse you. Our comparison uses only photos of the standard sign -not the this larger one.
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